It’s Cold and I’m Tired… Why Would I Go Out to a Circle?

You might well ask: Why would I make the effort to brave a dark, cold January night, after a long day, to join a Visioning Circle?

Well, to answer your question, the bottom line is, the effort will pay off for you in spades – you may arrive tired, and even overwhelmed, but you will leave with a level of energy and clarity about your intentions for the year (and beyond!) that will be galvanizing for you. You will have clear steps to implement right away and a feeling that you are well supported.

The Visioning Circle on Thursday is a unique place and time to be carving out space (Making Room For You!) to reflect on this year, and even the decade, in a very empowered way that is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for us to do on our own. (I joined a virtual visioning circle last weekend led by my mentor Claire Zammit to do my personal work since I cannot do this on my own either.) In the Circle, you will be connecting to the deepest parts of yourself - you at your strongest - so that you can envision this next year and beyond from a place of possibility and power rather than from fear and worry, a sense of lack (e.g. not enough time, money, help etc.) and a sense that life is happening to you, and way too fast at that. As you envision from this more powerful place inside you, you can connect with your deepest desires and create an intention (aka focus) for the year and beyond that will ground you, and pull you toward it at the same time. It is from such an intention that you can create meaningful goals that you are excited to achieve.

For example, you may find, as result of the guided exercises I will take you through, that you strongly desire to focus on your health and vitality, as well as having a prosperous career that is aligned with your values. So, then you begin to design goals, smaller steps in the direction of those intentions. As I mentioned, the intentions can feel like roots that are grounding you, and simultaneously like a pull toward something really compelling. (I like to imagine my intentions as stars that I am guided by, shining light for me, pulling me toward them, even as I am grounded. So, I feel like I am moving on my path in a very grounded way. We all have our own experience of being intentional and it's wonderful to share...) And if you lose your way at points (as we inevitably do), reconnecting with your intentions through the year will help get you back on your path.

As you move toward those intentions, you are going to grow and learn, as you are meant to. You will also be practicing getting the support you need to move closer to fulfilling on those intentions. In the Circles we are creating a culture of nurturing and galvanizing support among the incredible women in attendance that most of us have never experienced before, but have been yearning for for years. (On my part, I couldn't have told you I was yearning for this kind of support until I actually experienced it, at which point I was in awe and deep gratitude and even more than a little fearful. I was scared because I knew I would have to be moving out of my comfort zone into what I had long been sensing was possible for me in my potential - no more excuses!) So, attending Circles through the year may be a catalyst for you as you grow into your potential.

We absolutely need help to grow into our potential. There is no way to do this work alone. This is Making Room For You work.And when you do Make Room For You in this way, your experience of life deepens and widens.You experience more depth: more meaning and fulfillment and intimacy, for example.

And you experience more “width” or breadth: a feeling of greater support, more positive impact and contribution, more capacity.

There is a bigger and more positive ripple effect - in your family, your work, your community, the world - as you expand into your potential.

Everyone wins!

And it all starts with creating one or two clear intentions to focus on that are created from, and rooted in your deepest desires.

I would love to see you at our first ever Making Room For You Women’s Circle on Thursday! (Previous Circles were Feminine Power Women’s Circles.) For our visioning process, we will be inspired by the acclaimed Feminine Power work as well as other modalities; such as the evidence-based tools from Positive Psychology.Come and join us!

It’s never too late to Make Room For You!

Remember, when you Make Room For You, everyone wins! And the world desperately needs more of us to be fulfilling on our biggest potentials!

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash (reminds me of the stars at our family cottage in the Gatineau Hills in Quebec.)


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