Savouring - A Very Pleasant and Effective Tool for Success!
How are you? I hope your summer is off to a very satisfying start!
I am writing to you from my cottage on Rice Lake, fresh from an incredible visit with my colleagues, power partners and dear friends, Ellie Ballentine and Catherine Hansen. We had a rare 24 hours together in person. Our time together was sweet, productive and very energizing!
I’ve shared with you before how grateful I am to have these women in my life. Writing to you now helps me savour the experience as I reflect and share it. Savouring is a positive psychology "happiness intervention", meaning that finding ways to savour the joys in life has been shown to lead to increased happiness and well-being. And studies have also shown that increased happiness and well-being lead to more success in life - and not the other way around as many of us assume. That’s right… success comes from being happy and experiencing well-being! And savouring is an easy and very pleasant tool for us to use to find happiness and well-being.
You can savour in the present moment, or about the past or the future. One simple, small but mighty, savouring practice is to take 2-3 minutes daily to enjoy the small pleasures in life, like a cup of coffee, a gorgeous sky or and good conversation. There may be marveling (feeling awe), thanksgiving, basking or luxuriating involved – we could all use more of those, right? While Catherine and Ellie were here, we naturally paused every so often and savoured the fact that we were together. I’d say we experienced the marveling, the thanksgiving the basking and the luxuriating at one point or another in our time together. It was wonderful! I am so energized now, as I return my family and work life.
This brings me to next week when we have our Feminine Power Women’s Circle - the theme is savouring. We will use the practice of savouring as a bridge into the Feminine Power work. When we savour, we naturally connect with our senses and get out of just being "in our heads". We feel more open and receptive. Connecting with our senses, with our bodies and with our feelings is critical in being able to unlock our Feminine Power. And Feminine Power is the power that we need to access to be able to step into the higher possibilities that so many of us sense for ourselves but can’t figure out how to make happen using the tools we currently have at our disposal. For many of us it is like we are pregnant with possibilities but have no way of giving birth to them! It is quite cumbersome (to say the least) to move through life over-pregnant. Being at a Circle could be a first step in you birthing the next chapter of your life.
An inspiring group of women is forming for our July 18 Circle… And, there is still Room For You!
So, come join me this week in a space of authentic connection and feel the support and sisterhood of a tribe of brilliant women who are standing with and for you growing into your biggest potential. We are creating a culture among women in these Circles that is helping us to become the change we see is needed in the world.
If you need even more incentive to join us, here's a quote from p.262 of The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates, which is one of the most powerful books I have ever read:
I believe women's groups are essential for each of us individually but also for society generally -- because progress depends on inclusion, and inclusion begins with women.I'm not saying we should include women and girls as opposed to men and boys, but along with them and on behalf of them. This is not about bringing women in and leaving others out. It's about bringing women in as a way to bring everyone in.
It’s time!