Wish for Pockets of Silence

“I find there is a quality to being alone that is incredibly precious. Life rushes back into the void, richer, more vivid, fuller than before.”

― Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift From the Sea

It's A LOT right now isn't, it?

My current (and ongoing) wish for you and for me is to be able to pause and find some silence on a regular basis, amidst all the hustle bustle and noise (not to mention Black Friday sales). This morning, "silence" for me was walking to the ravine by myself. That's when this message to you bubbled up.

Silence is the birthplace of wisdom.

Wisdom is a synergy of experience, knowledge and good judgment.

And goodness knows the world could use some more wisdom flowing around these days.

Let's Make Room For Ourselves by pausing and finding or creating pockets of silence day to day so we can reconnect to our wisdom, aka inner strength. Then we can make wiser choices, and take wiser actions, including purchases on Black Friday ;). The world, and we, will be the better for it.


The Lake of Your Heart 💙


No Longer Letting Words Fuel Our Self-Doubt